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Hereditary Cancer Genetic Testing 101

Basser Center genetic counselor, Jackie Cappadocia, MS, LCGC, and Cancer Support Community Delaware team up for a webinar to review the genetic basis of cancer and the importance of family history in identifying at-risk relatives. 

How Common is Pancreatic Cancer?

Bryson Katona, MD, PhD, Director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Genetics Program and a leader in the Basser Center’s Men & BRCA Program, answers how common is pancreatic cancer and who is most likely to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Share the Gift of Knowledge

This holiday season, as you pass the turkey and stuffing, please also pass along the gift of knowledge. Share this video and our BRCA risk factor quiz ( with three people you love and ask them to share with three more. Through the power of family and friendship, we can save countless lives.